Is Teletherapy for me?

Teletherapy might seem less appealing than in person at first glance because it can seem less personable in a situation that is very personal. You might be concerned about doing couples therapy or family therapy; however, it can be as effective an experience as in person with the right therapist. Since the Covid-19 expanded its reach across the world, teletherapy has quickly become the go to method for nearly all therapists. Some have been doing telehealth for years; exclusively or as an alternative when clients travel. Some have just begun using it and may require some time to adjust. If you have found a therapist you feel comfortable speaking to about your struggles, I encourage you to try telehealth. There are many secure video platforms available, at Light at the End Therapy, we are using Zoom meet. Below are 5 reasons telehealth could be right for you!
  1. No traffic concerns
  2. More session times available from your therapist
  3. You can more easily share your world with the therapist
  4. Access to therapist outside your local area
  5. No travel time to or from the appointment
I hope you will consider using telehealth for your current and future therapy needs. Many forms of therapy are adaptable to telehealth. Ask your mental health provider if this is an option for you!

- Desiree Williams

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